Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Day 36 "Mat 10:11-20"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus asked the disciples to search for a "worthy" person and stayed with him. I believe the "worthy" person simply means somebody who is willing to be used by God for His purpose. Criterias of a "worthy" person are FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable).

>> Specific Words:
I'm inspired to be a "worthy" person too. There is no greater privilege than to be used by the King of kings. May God use me more (Ps 84:10).
- In His instruction, Jesus directs, warns and encourages.
- Through discipleship, He multiplied Himself in order to do outreach faster and further.
- I'm ready and has the burden, therefore I enjoy in answering the questions by the "seekers".
- I need to improve more in the "good deeds" evangelism. People want to see the reality of God's love too through our lives. I believe that I need to see more role model in order to improve (give me some ideas of what & how to do).
To put everything in the perspective of God, i.e. to do everything that can advance His Kingdom (Mat 6:33; Col 3:23-24).

>> Applications:
- Be Faithful, Available and Teachable to be a "worthy" person.
- Learn and practice "good deeds" evangelism for outreach.

>> Spiritual Experiences:
- This morning Novy and I bought hot drinks in "Baguette" @ Flinders st station. I was so inspired with the efficiency of one of the lady worker. She was very alert, friendly and quick, yet excellent in serving customers (busy period too). I realised that often I was very slow, inefficient and ineffective in my work and life. May God help me to improve to be like this lady worker. I was amazed too of how we can learn and listen to God in an ordinary day to day circumstances, if we're just open and in tune with Him.

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