Friday, 15 June 2007

Day 45 "Mat 12:15-21"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus acted instead of reacted. He flowed with God fully according to His timing. No matter what situation He might be in (e.g. danger - v14), He trusted God's leading. We need to grow in our faith in God, so that we can still have peace in a turbulent situation, rather than get anxious.

>> Specific Words:
I need to grow in my trust in God, so that I can act rather than react when circumstances are challenges.
- Jesus' action was according to the prophecy in the Bible (Isa 42:1-4).
- The King ensures justice (v20) and provides security for the nations (v21).
- Yes, with gentleness and compassion (Gal 6:1).
- Firstly, show the principles from God's Words and the practical application. Secondly, help the person to see how his action is not according to godly principles. Thirdly, give direction of how to overcome or change.
God loves us very much, so He'll certainly guide and protect us. However, we must be willing to listen and obey to experience the deliverance (Rom 8:14).

>> Applications:
- Grow in faith to avoid being reactive over a difficult circumstances.
- Walk closely with God to allow Him to bring deliverance in danger situations.

>> Spiritual Experiences:
- Seeking God almost the whole night to help me to set goal for the 40 days purpose, yet not response yet. However, I was really encouraged by the perseverance of Jacob when wrestling with God, the patience of Habakkuk in waiting upon God and lastly the faith of Enoch in earnestly seeking God.
- This morning during shphd w Mark, I asked him Qs abt my career opportunity. I believe that I asked out of fear. Praise God that He encr me to trust God daily and focus more building His Kingdom. Moreover, even today passage is also very relevant for my situation. Praise God too that God speak daily in my life. Praise God that indeed He knows and understands. I just have to trust Him daily.

Friday, 8 June 2007

Day 38 "Mat 10:32-42"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus said that the true meaning of life will be found when we give our lives up for Him. Focusing only on earthly living may cause us to miss God's best plan for our lives. Not only that, many people have realised (sadly, often it's only happen when they're on their death bed) that the earthly rewards only satisfy them temporary, the more they have it, the more empty they feel. Indeed, the true meaning of life should come from God, the Author of life Himself and we need to come to Him in order to find out the meaning & purpose of our lives.

>> Specific Words:
It's a simple concept, yet very hard to act. I need to continually draw near to God and ask for His help that I can be willing to give my life up more for Him, so that I may find and experience the true meaning of life.
- Jesus wants His disciples to be fully committed to Him.
- He implied to the hearer that He is God. Putting Jesus above everything else in our lives is an expression of our worship to Him.
- God's Words is like a mirror for me (Jam 1:23-25). Whenever I read it, I reflect on myself whether I've been obedience to it. Furthermore, it's only by the power of Holy Spirit we can obey God's Words in its entirety. Therefore, I need to always come to His Words with humility, fear and trembling. In humility means knowing how I am according to God's standard and it always help me not to be proud of myself or to judge/look down on others. After looking at God's Words, I realised how much I need to change to be like Him and how much I need the power of the Holy Spirit to help me to change. In fear and trembling means knowing that God has the power to judge those who rebel or are disobedient to Him. It helps me realise that I have to obey His Words, not legalistically to attain salvation, but out of my knowledge of Him, the Judge and King of this world.
- A humble attitude helps me to realise how much I need Him to help me and prevent me to have pride and judge others.
I believe God wants me to grow more in commitment to Him. Even, two weeks ago I received a prophecy from Jn 12:24-25 -> I need to be like a kernel of wheat who fall to the ground and die in order to bear fruits.

>> Applications:
- Draw near to God and rely on Holy Spirit to be able to give my life more to Him, so that I can experience and discover the true meaning of my life.
- Come to God with humility, fear and trembling to be changed more.

>> Spiritual Experiences:
- This morning I was a bit worried with many things, e.g. wet clothes due to cold weather, budgeting contingency plan, not promising results for my thesis, etc.... At the end, I felt that my joy and peace were robbed from me. It makes me realise that it's my right to have that peace, joy, love, kindness, etc.. (Gal 5:22-23) but I can allow them to leave me if I'm worry, i.e. not careful with my thoughts.. Praise God that as I commit every matter to Him, His presence is filling my life again.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Day 37 "Mat 10:21-31"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus assured the disciples that the help will come quickly in the time of persecution, and they need to keep persevere. We can be very impatient when difficult and challenging time arise, yet Jesus assures us for deliverance before it's too late.

>> Specific Words:
I need to keep persevering in difficult times through holding on God's promises for deliverance.
- Jesus encouraged them to persevere, because God knew and He cared for them. He even promised deliverance when the persecution time arise. Jesus also reminded them the risk or consequences to be His followers to prepare the disciples for the difficult times.
- They're equipped in their heart & mind preparation as well as practical instructions of what to do during those challenging situations.
It reminded me that God is more powerful than anything else. He has the power to deliver and judge. His blessings and judgments have eternal consequences, while others are only temporary.
- Our courage comes by knowing that God is by our side. He cares and will deliver in His appointed time.
- Knowing God more to help increase faith and confidence that God is with me. Furthermore, in difficult times I need to come closer to God to sense & experience His presence, strength rather than be discouraged or have self pity.

>> Applications:
- Draw near to God at all times, especially during difficult times to help me to persevere in following Him.
- Continue to meditate on God's Words since during persecution time, only His Words that can help me to persevere.

>> Spiritual Experiences:
- Quite tired today, coz didn't really sleep last nite. I stayed overnite in the Bundoora campus. I haven't got a proper results too for my thesis analysis. I've been trying this many years and hours. However, God encouraged me through Isa 40:31 last nite, that if I continue to hope in Him (not relying on my strength), God will continue to renew me, help me to go on. So, I'll just continue to do whatever I know I need to do and hope in God at the same time.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Day 36 "Mat 10:11-20"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus asked the disciples to search for a "worthy" person and stayed with him. I believe the "worthy" person simply means somebody who is willing to be used by God for His purpose. Criterias of a "worthy" person are FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable).

>> Specific Words:
I'm inspired to be a "worthy" person too. There is no greater privilege than to be used by the King of kings. May God use me more (Ps 84:10).
- In His instruction, Jesus directs, warns and encourages.
- Through discipleship, He multiplied Himself in order to do outreach faster and further.
- I'm ready and has the burden, therefore I enjoy in answering the questions by the "seekers".
- I need to improve more in the "good deeds" evangelism. People want to see the reality of God's love too through our lives. I believe that I need to see more role model in order to improve (give me some ideas of what & how to do).
To put everything in the perspective of God, i.e. to do everything that can advance His Kingdom (Mat 6:33; Col 3:23-24).

>> Applications:
- Be Faithful, Available and Teachable to be a "worthy" person.
- Learn and practice "good deeds" evangelism for outreach.

>> Spiritual Experiences:
- This morning Novy and I bought hot drinks in "Baguette" @ Flinders st station. I was so inspired with the efficiency of one of the lady worker. She was very alert, friendly and quick, yet excellent in serving customers (busy period too). I realised that often I was very slow, inefficient and ineffective in my work and life. May God help me to improve to be like this lady worker. I was amazed too of how we can learn and listen to God in an ordinary day to day circumstances, if we're just open and in tune with Him.

Monday, 4 June 2007

Day 34 "Mat 9:27-38"

>> Timeless Principles:
God's blessings will come to us in accordance with our faith. The blind men faith were expressed through their perseverance by keep following Jesus, even until a specific place (...gone indoors...). Our actions reveal our faith and it determines how much blessings we will/can receive from God.

>> Specific Words:
May God help me to grow in faith as it determines how much blessings I can receive from Him.
The blind men recognised the Messiah through the 'eyes of faith' not 'natural eyes'. Many people saw Jesus through 'natural eyes' instead of their 'eyes of faith.
- Lack of fruitfulness, ineffectiveness, struggling with sins or temptation.
- Lack of faith. I need to grow to be like the blind men. They had faith that Jesus was their only solution, hence they followed Jesus until He responded to their call. Finally, they receive the rewards of their faith, i.e. the healing. I need to have faith in Jesus by keep calling upon Him until the deliverance come.
I just need to do what I can do and commit the rest to God. As l learn to surrender to God, He'll enable me to sense and experience His presence. In this way, I can be courageous, even in the midst of 'stormy' situations.

>> Applications:
- Receive the Words intake and exercise obedience to the Words to grow in faith.
- Surrender everything to God so that I can sense His presence to enable me to be courageous in going through life challenges.

>> Spiritual Experiences:
- Praise God I could wake up early today so that I could start early. Praise God for Novy's influence in my life. As I try to catch the same train everyday to follow her to go to work, I can be more discipline in my life.

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Day 33 "Mat 9:18-26"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus knew that He's able to raise the child to life again. He acted as if the child was already healed and alive. Our faith is expressed through our actions. For example, we need to act as if our prayers are already answered, if we have faith that God answers our prayers.

>> Specific Words:
I need to act according to God's Words as an expression of my faith on His Words, even though I don't feel like it or when my circumstances are seemed to contradict the Bible.
Jesus responded with compassion (v22) despite his hectic schedule.
Practically, I need to allow flexibility in my schedule so that I can always be available. However, God will also always enable us to meet the needs of the people in any circumstances if we are willing to be used by Him (2 Cor 9:8).
Currently, I feel that I'm still caring with the same amount of people as last year. However, I can sense that God is training me to continually be faithful with what I have (Be faithful in small things in order to be faithful in greater things - Mat 25:21). He also allow this time of stretching to enlarge my heart and ability to take more responsibilities.

>> Applications:
- Think, speak and act according to God's Words as an expression of faith.
- Rely upon God's grace to enable me to meet people needs in any circumstances (2 Cor 9:8).

>> Spiritual Experiences:
- Praise God for Stefan who shared to me how he felt about my leadership during Time Out. His opennes allowed me to see my weakness. Areas to be improved include overcoming timidity through reliance on God (2 Tim 1:7) - exactly what God spoke to me through OC 07 and Ps Stephen's prophecy few years ago, skills to utilise team members strength for enhanced team work and be an opportunist.