Monday, 21 May 2007

"I'm not performing well under pressure, I'm anointed under pressure"

>> The Story

I found it difficult to serve God and do my PhD at the same time. I felt so much pressure inside. Then a thought just came, it means that I'm not good under pressure. In the job interview/resume, people usually say that they can perform well under pressure. It's what the employer look for anyway. So, how about me? Will there be anyone hiring me if I can't perform well under pressure?

As I seek God, He directed me to listen to my old prophecy (2001). I've listened to this prophecy many times and somehow, I always get something new & encouragement every time. There was a word by the prophet, "...I'm putting My anointing upon you if you stay faithful to Me...."

I believe that God is training me to be more reliance on Him. Just few days ago, I learned that being self sufficient is a form of pride (Grace Oriented Church teaching). Hence, I felt that I need to learn to empty myself so that God's strength may be in me.

It's like the story in 2 Kings 4: 1-7 about the widow's oil. The miraculous oil stopped flowing after the jar was full (v6). It means that God's anointing will only flow through me when I'm empty of myself. Therefore,

"I'm not performing well under pressure, I'm anointed under pressure"

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