Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Day 29 "Mat 8:1-13"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus was astonished to the respond of the centurion (his faith). The only way to please God is through faith in Him. Have we astonished God with our faith???

>> Specific Words:
May God help me to grow in faith that I may please Him more.
The people came to Jesus with their unmet needs and had faith that Jesus could deliver.
We believe that the church must be multicultural. God will bring every ethnic groups to His church. Pray about this promises, be a multicultural person and reach out to any culture.
I need to grow in faith more so that I can please God more.

>> Applications:
- Grow in faith through reading & obedience to His Words.
- Grow to be a multicultural person and reach out as a sign of our faith in His promises to bring more ppl from every corner of the world.

>> Spiritual Experiences:

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Day 23 "Mat 6:16-18"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus would like us to fast secretly before God with a pure motivation, rather than as a show off. It's also applicable generally when we serve God. We don't need to show other ppl that we serve God very hard, instead we need to have a pure motivation (love God & love ppl) and put a very joyful face.

>> Specific Words:
I should not show a very tired face when I serve God, though I really tired physically. By God's grace, I need to show joyful face expression as I serve God very hard (faithfully). Anyway, serving God should be very easy (Mat 11:29).
Often people gain self confidence / dignity from what ppl say about them. We need to gain self acceptance, confidence and dignity from God's Words (our true identity). Hence, the religious ppl in Jesus time served God with the wrong motives.
- To seek God, to humble myself, to learn self discipline and self control.
- Usually I fast before CG or evax, however currently none as I find I have so much work to do. Need God's help to start my regular fast again : ).
- Fasting taught me to be dependence on God more.
God desires me to be able to spend time to seek Him, rather than just to go without meals.

>> Applications:
- Serve God with pure motives & continually show joyful face by God's grace to encourage others.
- Ask God to help to start again regular fast so I can seek Him more.

>> Spiritual experiences:
- I slept possibly only abt 2 hrs last nite coz I have a deadline for my thesis. Praise God that though this week still have lots of casual (~10 hrs), somehow I managed to increase my references for Lit Review from 44 to 69. I was amazed myself, though due to deadline, I just assume for some of the ref. I didn't read as thorough. Hope that deadline can help me more to be effective and efficient, excellent yet not perfectionist.
- Praise God for His joy in my heart, though I'm physically tired. I felt my head is just floating in the air.. Caffeine effect?? I drank 3 cups of coffee yest....

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Day 22 "Mat 6:9-15"

>> Timeless Principles:
We need to rely on God to overcome temptation, hence we should pray to God to give us strength (1 Cor 10:13).

>> Specific Words:
I need to pray to God continuously/be alert in order to overcome temptation (1 Pet 5:8-9). If I rely on myself alone, I'll keep failing.
- We can ask God to establish His kingdom on earth through prayer, therefore prayer ushers God's kingdom on earth.
- We can improve this fallen world by praying for the coming of God's kingdom, because it'll usher more of God's presence and authority in this world.
- Usually I ask God to search my heart (Ps 139:23-24) to reveal to me areas in my life that is not pleasing to Him. I also try to solve conflicts as fast as possible (Mat 18:15-17).
I realised that I haven't really ask God for His strength to help me to overcome temptation. I've been relying on my strength alone, hence often can be a bit more legalistic and lose the joy. Jesus' teaching inspired me to be conscious in asking for God's protection and help continuously (Mark 14:38).

>> Applications:
- Pray continually to God and be alert to be able to overcome temptation (1 Pet 5:8-9, Mark 14:28)
- Pray to usher God's kingdom on this fallen world

>> Spiritual experiences:
- Last nite I felt a bit discouraged coz I found it hard to understand the concept of CTE. I really would like to submit my Lit Review by tomorrow & yet I still didn't understand the most important concept for my thesis. However, I just spoke out the verses and try to memorise it too. I didn't want to give up so easily. I'd like to be more determine to finish what I've to do, coz every struggle in life is God's opportunity to help me grow. I remember the time when I was still in high school that I almost usually fight from behind everytime I was losing in a sport competition. I found that I had much more determination than today. Hope that as I meditate on God's Words more, I can be more determine as a person, hence experience more victories in life.
- Praise God that Elis & Pearline were willing to help out to do the duties for Fri CG. It's my fault that I hadn't sent the roster earlier. May God help me more... : )

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Day 21 "Mat 6:1-8"

>> Timeless Principles:
v1: God rewards acts/deeds done in secret. If our motives are pure, we won't mind if people don't notice our actions at all.

>> Specific Words:
v1: I need to also focus on what I do in secret or when nobody sees, because it really shows whether I am truly God's disciple. To be consistent (not being a hypocrite), I need to be what I am whether people are around me or not.
Religious devotion to God is an honourable position and also can increase their influences and statues before others. Jesus denounced this practice, because it means their motives are selfish, instead of out of love for God and men.
- The first time I learned enjoyment in prayer was when I feel pressured and it forced me to keep prayer and be honest with God. As I learned to be honest with God, I discovered that God is a very loving and gentle God. He cares for me (1 Pet 5:7). I remembered the time when I lost words in my prayer and I only can pray in the Spirit (speak in tongue) and worship Him for who He is. And suddenly, He just touched my heart with the assurance that He is with me and He cares, then tears just overflowing in me.
- I have a place where I like to pray to seek God.. I like to go to gardens to pray, coz it helps me to see God's greatness through nature, such as trees, birds and skies. It gives me more peace too. In a room, often I find that the short ceiling seems blocking my eyest to see God's greatness. Another favourite place is of course my room, coz it's where I sleep and the reflection of my being and personality.
- The more I pray, I experience more public victory coz I rise up in faith after prayer.
God encourages me to not just focus on what I need to do before men, though often it's not to glorify myself but out of my commitment as God's disciples. He also wants me to focus on what I do in secret. I need to live up according to what I teach (Jam 3:1, 1 Cor 9:27).

>> Applications:
- Be consistent in the way I live, with or without people around me.
- Be prayerful as private victory will lead to public victory.

>> Spiritual experiences:
- This morning I asked God to help me to have more self control. I was asking God for the verses about self control that I can memorise. Just as I do this devotional, I discovered great verses, 1 Pet 5:8-11, exactly what I need. Initially I'd just like to read 1 Pet 5:7, but somehow my eyes saw 1 Pet 5:8, so Praise God!!!! He answers my prayer very quickly.
- At the prayer meeting tonite, Andy (WL) sang Great & Mighty is He, Awesome in this place, How great is our God, Mighty to save. It seemed that God wanted to reveal Himself to ppl that He is great. I was amazed, coz earlier in the aft as I seek God personally, I felt like declare His greatness and might too. I sang I lift your name on high, How great Thou Art, What a mighty God we serve. I was glad that I can be flowing with God's Spirit. It's very encouraging to know that God is close to me.

Monday, 21 May 2007

"I'm not performing well under pressure, I'm anointed under pressure"

>> The Story

I found it difficult to serve God and do my PhD at the same time. I felt so much pressure inside. Then a thought just came, it means that I'm not good under pressure. In the job interview/resume, people usually say that they can perform well under pressure. It's what the employer look for anyway. So, how about me? Will there be anyone hiring me if I can't perform well under pressure?

As I seek God, He directed me to listen to my old prophecy (2001). I've listened to this prophecy many times and somehow, I always get something new & encouragement every time. There was a word by the prophet, "...I'm putting My anointing upon you if you stay faithful to Me...."

I believe that God is training me to be more reliance on Him. Just few days ago, I learned that being self sufficient is a form of pride (Grace Oriented Church teaching). Hence, I felt that I need to learn to empty myself so that God's strength may be in me.

It's like the story in 2 Kings 4: 1-7 about the widow's oil. The miraculous oil stopped flowing after the jar was full (v6). It means that God's anointing will only flow through me when I'm empty of myself. Therefore,

"I'm not performing well under pressure, I'm anointed under pressure"

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Day 10 "Mat 4:1-7"

>> Timeless Principles:
Jesus was hungry and yet able to overcome temptation. Temptation comes in an unexpected times, usually when we are weak and tired, but we need to rely on God to overcome it.

>> Specific Words:
I need to rely on God in my weakness point not to give in to temptation, also I need to always be ready, esp. in my weakness pt as this is the time when the temptation comes.
Jesus was not only know God's Words, but He also obey it with the help of Holy Spirit.
I'm developing the habit of weekly memory verse and catch up with my 1 year Bible to develop the conviction in my heart.
Often I don't realise that I need to rely on God more than I thought, therefore I fall into temptation. As I acknowledge how much I really need Him indeed, I believe I can overcome temptation.

>> Applications:
- Be alert at all time, esp. in weakness pt so that will not fall under temptation
- Be serious & diligent (2 Tim 2:15) to study God's Words to have more conviction and victory in life

>> Spiritual experiences: